Studio Visit

The Interiors Of Amber Road Design

After humble beginnings working from their Mum’s attic, sisters Katy Svalbe and Yasmine Ghoniem of Amber Road Design are now celebrating five years of practice.

With backgrounds in interior design and landscape architecture respectively, Yasmine and Katy’s portfolio is characterised by bold colour, a tinge of nostalgia, and a distinctly adventurous aesthetic.

Lucy Feagins

Sample library, at the studio of Amber Road Design. Photo – Jacqui Turk.

‘Our backgrounds and design training are very different, but despite this, we both share the same basic design values and aesthetic. Perhaps it’s a genetic thing?!’ Photo – Jacqui Turk.

Cronulla Residence project by Amber Road Design. Photo –Prue Ruscoe.

Inside Out House project by Amber Road Design. Photo –Prue Roscoe.

Inside Out House project by Amber Road Design. Photo –Prue Roscoe.

The sisters describe their aesthetic as ‘adventurous, nostalgic and graceful.’  Photo – Jacqui Turk.

Studio details. Photo – Jacqui Turk.

Katy Svalbe and Yasmine Ghoniem in the studio. Photo – Jacqui Turk.

Deco House project by Amber Road Design. Photo –Lisa Cohen.

Deco House project by Amber Road Design. Photo –Lisa Cohen.

A unique combination of landscape architecture and interior design creates ‘remarkable results!’ Photo – Jacqui Turk.

‘We are also particularly passionate about creating spaces that artfully facilitate a mingling of private and public arenas and in doing so, foster a sense of community.’ Photo – Jacqui Turk.

Deco House project by Amber Road Design. Photo –Lisa Cohen.

Deco House project by Amber Road Design. Photo –Lisa Cohen.

Lucy Feagins
23rd of April 2018

Amber Road Design began from a rather unlikely impetus, which brought sisters Katy Svalbe and Yasmine Ghoniem into the same city… ‘if Yasmine hadn’t had a burning desire to start a rock band with our older brother Ben, perhaps Amber Road would never have come into being!’ Katy admits! Once the band dream faded, Katy and Yasmine decided to combine their training (Yasmine as an interior designer, and Katy as a landscape architect) and start their own design studio.

Amber Road’s adventurous aesthetic is informed by the sisters’ complementary skill sets. Their portfolio includes residential, hospitality, public space and commercial design projects, unified by a few key ‘trademarks’ – simplicity, a sense of community, eclectic details, and often, a tinge of nostalgia. The integration of carefully selected original artwork has also become a signature of the studio, as Katy says it ‘helps us to remember there is a human element to the built form, something beautiful, rare, and timeless.’

The success of Yasmine and Katy’s studio has been facilitated, in part, through their no-nonsense, practical approach to business. The siblings encourage owning and embracing mistakes, and allowing time to ‘celebrate your triumphs and milestones before striving for the next.’ They also advise ‘if choosing to go into business with a close friend or family member, set up your business in a way that allows you the flexibility to individually flourish and co-create without being tied at the hip (and pocket!).’

We’re super inspired by Katy and Yasmine’s work, and highly recommend a flick through their beautiful portfolio of projects.

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