TDF Collect

TDF Collect Presents: 'Herbal Medicine' By Elizabeth Barnett

SO EXCITED today to announce our next TDF Collect art exhibition, opening in two weeks time in our Collingwood gallery!

We’re thrilled to share the latest body of work by one of our all-time favourite local artists and collaborators – Elizabeth Barnett, in an exhibition entitled ‘Herbal Medicine’.

The show opens on Saturday August 19th, with drinks from 2.00pm that day – we hope you’ll join us!

Lucy Feagins

Our next TDF Collect exhibition is ‘Herbal Medicine’ by Elizabeth Barnett. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

The Macedon-based artist at work in her beautiful home studio. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

View all paintings now on pre-sale now here. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

Acrylic on linen artwork ‘Remedy’ (153x122cm) in Lizzie’s home. View this work, and all other paintings now on pre-sale here. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

Acrylic on linen, ‘Rest and Relaxation’ (66x77cm). View this work, and all paintings now on pre-sale here. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

Acrylic on linen ‘Winter Chai Tea’ (66x77cm). View this work and all paintings now on pre-sale here. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

Lizzie pictured with her ‘Garden Herbs and Hand Knits’ (66x77cm) acrylic on linen artwork on the easel. View all paintings now on pre-sale here. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

Acrylic on linen ‘Folk Medicine’ (66x77cm). View this work and all paintings now on pre-sale here. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

Studio details. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

‘When the Seasons Change’ (122x107cm) and ‘Garden Herbs and Hand Knits’ (66x77cm), both acrylic on linen. View these works and all paintings now on pre-sale here. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

An inspiration wall in the artists studio. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

An on-paper work in progress. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

Paintings for the forthcoming exhibition in the artist’s studio. View all paintings now on pre-sale now here. Photo – Caitlin Mills for The Design Files.

Lucy Feagins
6th of August 2017

It’s no secret we are huge fans of local artist Elizabeth Barnett. We’ve been following Lizzie’s work for many years, and have been thrilled to see her gather a much-deserved following of keen collectors in recent years. Like so many, we love Lizzie’s naive, painterly style, and her unique way of capturing the quiet beauty in ordinary moments.

Having relocated from inner city Melbourne to Victoria’s Macedon Ranges region two years ago (revisit her beautiful family home, here), Lizzie now works from her home studio. ‘Herbal Medicine’ delves further into the artist’s ongoing explorations of still-life, interiors, and botanical themes, offering 12 new paintings on linen, on a larger scale than ever before.

Inspired by remedies for winter ailments, these paintings document Lizzie’s connectedness to the environment and her rural surroundings, and offer an intimate snapshot of her daily experiences of country life, motherhood, and self preservation.

Emerging from a very intense time with babies, I promised I would look after myself better this year, and attend to some niggling health issues’ the artist explains. ‘I was collecting herbs from the garden to cook with one afternoon in Autumn, and I ended up drawing them in the jug on the bench, while I sat with the kids during their dinnertime. The exhibition sort of grew from there’.

The palette of this show is moodier than usual for Lizzie, and the works are larger than her previous paintings, too. ‘I wanted to push my practice this year to create some larger still-life and interior works, centred around a specific theme’ the artist explains. ‘I LOVE working on a larger scale, the compositions become looser, and it feels like you could just walk into the canvas.’

Please join us on Saturday August 19th to view this beautiful show, and share a drink with the artist. Alongside the usual wine and beer offering, Dan Murphy’s will also be serving up a herbal-infused gin – perfect for Saturday afternoon sipping!

All the works in this show are now pictured on the TDF Collect website.  We are accepting pre-sales from today – all enquiries please email – Thankyou!

Herbal Medicine‘ by Elizabeth Barnett
August 19th – 24th 2017
Opening Saturday August 19th, 10am – 5pm, with drinks from 2pm

TDF Collect
14 Little Oxford Street

This exhibition is generously supported by DuluxCapi, and Dan Murphy’s.

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