'Pantry Study’ is a new exhibition by Melbourne artist Gemma Leslie.

‘Greek Pantry’ and ‘Lebanese Pantry’ by Gemma Leslie.

Gemma Leslie's New Exhibition Celebrates Melbourne's Multi-Cultural Kitchens

Artist and Food For Everyone founder Gemma Leslie highlights culinary diversity in a loveable new painting series.

Christina Karras
16th of July 2024

Artist Gemma Leslie has spent the last eight months visiting people’s pantries around Melbourne — not just for a sticky beak or a snack, but as research for her latest exhibition.

The collection, aptly named ‘Pantry Study’ is a homage to the rich cultural tapestry that makes up contemporary Australia and a celebration of food.

Gemma is no stranger to sharing culinary stories through her art. The founder of Food For Everyone is known for collaborating with famous chefs and local artists to create her beloved recipe posters.

But this time she’s painted the prized ingredients and cooking staples from the kitchen shelves of 15 different households, including those of Japanese, Maltese, Greek and Lebanese backgrounds, herself.

From the Italian pantry filled with homemade pickles, to Iraqi spices that have been used in traditional cooking for centuries, every pantry tells a story that Gemma was lucky enough to hear first-hand on her visits.

‘Visiting these pantries definitely became the highlight of my weekends,’ she adds. ‘I was welcomed into people’s homes with open arms, and sometimes delicious lunches that turned into dinners,’ Gemma says.

‘I wasn’t too sure what I was getting myself into with this exhibition, but I have made a host of new friends, and learnt so much about the people who make up this city that I call home. Food has an amazing way of bringing people together.’

Shop the pre-sales online tomorrow or see the pieces in person when the exhibition opens at North Gallery in Fitzroy on Saturday July 20, with a panel discussion on July 27 hosted by Claire Lefebvre and Zoltan Fesco (What Artists Eat podcast) on the evolution of Melbourne’s food culture and how second-generation immigrants keep their culture alive through food.

Shop the collection when online pre-sales open at 10am July 17.

‘Pantry Study’
North Gallery
Level 1/55-57 Gertrude St

Fitzroy VIC 3065
Saturday July 20 – Saturday August 3

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