Work Space

Inside The Colourful World of Anna Spiro

We are developing serious workspace envy after viewing the new Anna Spiro Design HQ in Brisbane. The musk-stick colours, bold patterned textiles and wallpapers, and extraordinary artwork collection is almost too much to look at in drizzly Melbourne weather!

Today, Anna chats with us about converting this incredible 1930’s block of flats in New Farm into a distinctive, art deco-inspired workspace.

Lucy Feagins

The new Anna Spiro Design HQ. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

The workspace is big on musk-ticked hues! Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

Artworks abound. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

Desk details. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

Anna Spiro and her team. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

A 1930s-built apartment has been transformed. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

The beautiful prints even include the stationery. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

Office library goals! Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

The warm and welcoming art deco-inspired space. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

Anna and her team have moved in May this year. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

Workspace details. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

Pattern-on-pattern. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

The workspace manages to be sweet, edgy and sleek all at once. Photo – courtesy of Anna Spiro Design.

Lucy Feagins
2nd of September 2018

Anna Spiro needs little introduction, having well and truly cemented her place in the Australian interior design canon.  Anna is particularly well known for her passion for colour, and her ability to mix-and-match unexpected patterns and styles together, in a cohesive and exciting way. (After all, this is the woman responsible for the interiors at that distinctive Aussie design hotel, Halycon House!)

After 18 years of operating out of a retail space in Brisbane, Anna and her team moved just up the road into new headquarters in May. The company have found their new home within a 1930s block of flats, updated to reflect the distinctive ‘Spiro style’. Anna explains ‘we have decorated it in a way to feel like someone’s lovely old Art Deco apartment… this creates a wonderful atmosphere for clients to be in, as well as the staff. It shows clients how we can create spaces that are comfortable and inspiring.’

Anna and her husband purchased the site in 2017, and immediately commenced renovations on the office and shop front so her business could move in. Anna described how, after almost two decades of operating as a retail space, the business has shifted to a new model, which required more office space and a ‘beautiful inspiring space to present schemes to our clients.’ The addition of a private presentation room has been a huge success, allowing dedicated one-on-one time with clients, outside of the retail environment.

The fit-out incorporates custom cabinetry to house the studio’s extensive materials and reference libraries, custom built-in desks, carefully selected antique furniture and lighting from Douglas and Bec, and Anna Charlesworth. Amongst all this, Anna’s impressive and eclectic art collection has us seriously *swooning* !!

Like every Anna Spiro interior, this workspace strikes the perfect balance between classic and contemporary – and provides the perfect environment for Anna and her team to work on their many residential and commercial projects. Anna highlights her latest project at Howard Smith Wharves as a ‘new game-changing precinct’ in Brisbane. If Anna’s restaurant fit-outs are as charming as her offices, Brisbane has a lot to look forward to when the precinct opens in November!


Type of space

1930s block of flats, with two shop fronts and three upstairs apartments.

Number of employees


Date moved in

May 2018

Renovation team

Kedlem Construction (building work) and Craig and Brent Madders (cabinetry)

An office should be…

‘A place where everyone feels happy and engaged, inspired and comfortable to work really hard and achieve great things,’ Anna Spiro.

Recent Work Space