
Top Podcasts to Listen To This Week · Round IV

In the pursuit of new information and entertainment, we’ve spent the last month asking our most in-the-know team members to open their podcast libraries and share what they listen to, and why.

The final word in this special staff series comes from Sally Tabart, TDF’s new(ish) editorial assistant – who is yet to make it through a work day without recommending a podcast for any given situation!

Lucy Feagins

Some of Sally’s favourite podcasts.

Our awesome editorial assistant, Sally Tabart at our last exhibition (featuring the work of Bobby Clark). Photo – Sam Wong.

‘I have SO MANY different podcasts for different activities, moods and times of the day’, explains Sally, ‘my favourite time to listen is first thing in the morning, cup of coffee on my dresser as I’m getting ready, or while I’m cooking.’ The genres in Sally’s library are varied, ranging from news and politics, to interviews with celebrities, to real-life stories told by strangers.

‘I listen to podcasts to hear from voices that are different to mine, whether that is through storytelling, long-form interviews or hard-hitting investigative journalism,’ Sally says, ‘I love that podcasts are a free and independent source of information, which is a pretty radical thing these days!’ Considering the sheer volume of available content that can be swayed by advertising, ownership or accessible only via subscription, the podcast model IS pretty radical!

As for her picks – Sally has opted to share with us some favourite episodes collected over her podcast listening years: 


Episode : The Problem We All Live With Pt I & II
Although framed within the context of racial segregation in American public schools, I found this episode a really valuable stepping stone in understanding the relationship between race, class and access to education.’

This American Life


Episode : Time to Name (and Shame) the Mental Load
I LOVE this podcast hosted by my teen idol, Yumi Stynes! This particular episode is a discussion around how, for the most part, women tend to assume roles in the family and workplace that require constant project management. It helped answer some niggling feelings about gender roles that had been bothering me. My boyfriend overheard while I was listening and it provoked some really productive convos.’

Ladies, We Need To Talk


Episode : Season 4, Dov Charney
‘I never shut up about StartUp! The premise of the entire show is tracking businesses (including the media company that created the podcast) through their ‘start up’ phase. Season 4 focuses on the notorious American Apparel founder Dov Charney, as he tries to start a new clothing label after he is ousted from his own company. It’s a fascinating portrait of a deeply-flawed man.’


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