TDF Collect

TDF Collect Presents: 'Double Cream' By Evi O

Today we’re SUPER excited to announce our next TDF Collect art exhibition, opening early next month in our Collingwood gallery. We’re kicking off the year with an artist whose progress we have been keenly watching over the past 12 months, Sydney based painter and designer, Evi O!

Double Cream‘ is the name of Evi’s exhibition, which opens on Saturday March 12th, with drinks and complimentary gelato by Pidapipo from 2.00pm onwards – we do hope you’ll join us!

Lucy Feagins

Sydney artist Evi O in her studio painting works for her upcoming show ‘Double Cream’ with TDF Collect. Photo – Nikki To for The Design Files.

‘Nougat’ and ‘Rum’, acrylic on board, both 40cm x 35cm for Evi’s upcoming show with TDF Collect. (Available for pre-sale today).

‘Caramel’, 70cm x 65cm, for Evi’s upcoming show with TDF Collect. (Available for pre-sale today).

Studio details. Photo – Nikki To for The Design Files.

‘Fudge’, 70cm x 65cm, for Evi’s upcoming show with TDF Collect. (Available for pre-sale today).

‘Ginger’, 70cm x 65cm, for Evi’s upcoming show with TDF Collect. (Available for pre-sale today).

Evi in her Sydney studio. Photo – Nikki To for The Design Files.

Works by Evi O for her upcoming TDF Collect exhibition opening on Saturday 12 March. Photo – Nikki To for The Design Files.

Lucy Feagins
21st of February 2016

Evi O is a woman of many talents. For the past eight years, Evi’s main occupation has been designing books. Until last year she worked at Lantern, an imprint of Penguin Australia, creating the most spectacularly beautiful illustrated books, including Megan Morton’s ‘Things I Love’, amongst many other award winning titles!

Other projects for Evi have included magazine design for Alphabet Family Journal, and object design for fledging homewares brand Anekka. Painting was something Evi started doing seriously four years ago.

‘I have always been a drawer from a young age, but was never confident with the looser nature of painting, let alone the use of colour’ Evi admits. In around 2011, all that changed. Evi was looking for a new creative outlet, and the challenge of painting was something she was keen to explore. Drawing on her years of experience in visual communications and book design, it wasn’t look before Evi began feeling more confident at the easel. ‘After a while, what used to be something difficult began to feel natural and exciting’ she says.

Evi’s exhibition with us in Melbourne will be her first solo show! Entitled ‘Double Cream’, the exhibition brings together bold, abstract works reminiscent of surreal landscapes, rendered in a gelato inspired palette.

‘From a very personal point of view, Double Cream is a huge progression for my painting practice’ Evi says. ‘It has been a real personal goal for me to create a body of work strong enough to stand on its own. After all, It did take 4 years for me to be ready to do a solo!’.

We’re massively chuffed to be hosting this exhibition with Evi very soon in Melbourne! All works in the exhibition are now pictured on the TDF Collect website and we are accepting pre-sales for the show via email.  All enquiries please email – thankyou!

Double Cream by Evi O
Open from 12th to 18th March 2016
TDF Collect
14 Little Oxford St
Collingwood, VIC

Opening Saturday 12 March, 10.00am – 5.00pm, with opening drinks and gelato by Pidapipo from 2.00pm onwards!

This exhibition is generously sponsored by DuluxCervezas AlhambraCapiThe Drinks List and Pidapipo!

Evi in her studio. Photo – Nikki To for The Design Files.

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