
Penny Lane

Whilst we do love bold colour and eclectic details, it must be said that when it comes to houses, there is very little more photogenic than a bright white space with white painted floors. Crisp, classic, and oh so bright and beautiful.  Such is the luminous living and working space of Sydney photographer Penny Lane.

Lucy Feagins
Supported by Dulux

The beautiful bright studio apartment of Sydney creative Penny Lane (yes, that’s her real name!). From left to right – Artworks on right wall (just visible) by Trudy More and Jess Racklyeft, hand painted pot by Penny under her own label, ‘Jaguar Shark’, photograph in frame taken by by Penny’s Grandfather in the ’60s, carved wooden lamp inherited from Penny’s Grandmother, Lucy Lane. Fiddle Leaf Fig plant from Saint Cloche gallery / café / plant shop in Paddington, a small block mounted print of Penny’s available for sale via her Instagram page, hand splatter-painted cushion cover by Penny’s friend Bianca Vallentine of The Vallentine Project, artwork given to Penny (i.e. left in her garage!) by former flatmate Nick Hall – ‘he is amazing! I’m very lucky!’ says Penny, artwork to far right by Noah Taylor.  Planet lamp to right was Penny’s Grandpa John Lane’s office lamp, and beneath this sits Penn’s favourite scented candle, ‘The Graduate’, by Tete A Tete Incendere, a local perfumer in Darlinghurst called Vicki Kim. ‘These are AMAZING’ says Penny, ‘…and her website is so inspiring too’. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

‘I love the space and light in my kitchen’ says Penny, who loves to cook. Her Kylie Kwong cookbook is a firm favourite – ‘Kylie Kwong is amazing!’ she says. ‘I love the ethos that she lives / works by’. The painted plant pot to the right was made by Penny, created under her
little label ‘Jaguar Shark’.  Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Lush indoor jungle in Penny’s kitchen. Hanging pot plant by Bridget Bodenham, handmade hanging pot (& pickled cherries!) by Penny’s friend Anna Slowaik, little black & gold cement tealight votive by Penny aka Jaguar Shark. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Penny’s own floral photographic artworks (available to buy in limited edition) hangs above her favourite vintage drinks trolley, found in an oldschool op-shop in Redfern. Alongside this, one of Penny’s favourite chairs – a set of two  John Duffecy Australia chairs found at a Salvo’s – initially green, she painted them laquer black.  The plant stand is, amazingly, a $6.00 Kmart find – ‘hmm should I tell people this secret?’ says Penny! Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

View from living room up to mezzanine bedroom.  From left to right – hanging macramé by Typo, little black table a favourite garage sale find which Penny later painted black.  From the same amazing garage sale Penny scored the painting hanging above – ‘its got a lovely hand inscription on the back, someone brought it back from Italy and gave it to someone I guess in Melbourne as a present in the 60s’ says Penny. Aluminium gold lamp from an opshop, little chair from an antique warehouse somewhere on the South Coast of NSW near Kangaroo Valley. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Tiny mezzanine bedroom, handpainted pot by Penny, antique Korean screen inherited from Penny’s Great Auntie who once lived in Korea, amazing Nanna quilt by Mozi. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Bathroom details. Missoni hand towel, a gift from Penny’s dear friend Kirsty Correy of Correy & Lyon. Amazing handmade natural organic beauty & cleansing products called ‘The Products‘ by local makeup artist and skincare professional Rebecca Clark (Penny swears by these and highly recommends them!). Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Penny at work at her dining table.  Ikea trestle legs, a door from Bunnings, bentwood chair found on the side of the road, placemats hand painted by Penny for her little homewares label Jaguar Shark. On the laptop screen, another one of Penny’s photographic prints from her florals series. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Penny at home.  ‘This dress is one of my favourite vintage pieces of all time – a ’40s crepe dress with gold sequin detail from Oh Henry Vintage in Perth’ says Penny.  Worn here with Gorman shoes. Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.

Lucy Feagins
3rd of March 2015

Sydney photographer and creative all-rounder Penny Lane (yes, that is her real name) lives and works from this open plan studio apartment in Chippendale, in what was once an old chocolate factory, now known as the ‘MacRobertson building’.

Penny shares her amazing apartment with her beloved pup Rocky Raccoon.  She’s renting, and though she’s been here only 6 months, Penny has already (understandably) fallen head over heels in love with her unique new abode. She hopes very much to be here for a long time, though she says just last week the building was put on the market, so the future looks a little uncertain for now.

Not long after moving in, Penny set about freshening up the space with a fresh coat of white paint.  ‘I repainted all the white, and anything that wasn’t white (like the raw wooden kitchen, for instance) I painted white, white, white!’ she says.  The painted floors in particular give this space such a spectacular brightness and incredible sense of space – this is such a quick and cost effective treatment for any kind of floor (floorboards, chipboard, concrete) which has seen better days.

After brightening up her space, Penny’s next step was to fill it with as many plants as possible!  ‘Theres no outside space here, which is the only thing lacking, so I’ve tried to bring the outside in’ she says.

If you take some time perusing the epic captions Penny kindly shared with us (we do love an exhaustive caption), you’ll quickly realise Penny has a serious knack for fossicking.  As it happens, almost everything here has been inherited or salvaged from second hand shops in the last six months alone, since Penny previously lived in share houses, with a lot less stuff.

‘The furniture is all from garage sales/ roadside collection/ op shops and vintage stores’ says Penny.  ‘A lot of them have their own little story, like one day I was running late to a meeting in Marrickville, and out of the corner of my eye, piled up on the front of an op shop’s footpath I saw a set of chairs, so I chucked a crazy u-wy and parked illegally and bought the chairs, somehow fitting them into the back of my car, and I still wasn’t even THAT late for my meeting!’ she recalls proudly! ‘I always seem to be finding the best things out of the corner of my op-shop-eagle eye when I’m meant to be doing something else or running late for something… but I just can’t help it…!’

Amongst op shop finds and roadside treasures, you’ll spot the odd obligatory Ikea best seller here, alongside a handful of artworks and prints by talented creative friends. ‘I am so lucky to have the most amazing artists as dear friends, and to be surrounded by so many creative people’ says Penny.  She’s particularly fond of an artwork by her friend Jess Racklyeft, a Melbourne based illustrator. ‘I’ve known Jess since grade 1 and she is a constant source of inspiration to me, and always gives me a kick up the butt when I need encouragement to do things!’ says Penny. (Apparently it was Jess who encouraged Penny to submit shots of her apartment for this story!)

Penny’s own beautiful photographic prints are also represented here – we particularly love her floral series (these will soon be available online, alongside Penny’s own fledgling handcrafted homewares label, Jaguar Shark – sorry no links yet but we’ll update this post when we have them!).

Penny is endearingly gushy about the beautiful, versatile creative space she calls home. It’s clear she’s found her perfect pad. ‘There are so many creative businesses and artists in this area, its just a really lovely, friendly, and inspirational space to inhabit.  We can pretty much do whatever we like here (events, openings, exhibitions ) and that freedom in a rented space is rare and not taken for granted’ she says.

And whilst we could certainly end the story here, being a high-schooler of the ‘90s myself, I just have to close with Penny’s nostalgic TV reference below – gold!

‘I think I’m finally living out my dream that has been burning strong ever since watching Heartbreak High in high school, and drooling over Drazic, and being so so jealous of the friends living in a warehouse space…’ says Penny. ‘I’ve always wanted to live and work in an arty warehouse space and have my own photo studio in it, so all these years later its finally coming true, ha ha!’

Living room – antique ‘Ralli’ quilt from Pakistan, from Chee Soon & Fitzgerald in Redfern.  Left artwork by Trudy Morre and right artwork by Jess Racklyeft.  Penny’s adorable pup Rocky Raccoon sits on the couch! Photo – Eve Wilson, production – Lucy Feagins / The Design Files.


Recent Apartment