
Maryanne Moodie · Woven Tapestries

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
10th of March 2013
Clever crafter Maryanne Moodie in her Abbotsford home studio. Photo - Brooke Holm.
Woven tapestries by Maryanne Moodie. Photo - Brooke Holm.
Maryanne in action!  Photo - Brooke Holm.
Maryanne weaving.  Photo - Brooke Holm.
Woven tapestries by Maryanne Moodie.  Photo - Brooke Holm.
Today's post comes to us via INSTAGRAM. Gosh. It's awful isn't it. There are just no more hidden secrets in the world anymore because everything is on there! Lisa and I saw Maryanne Moodie's incredible woven tapestries on there a month or two ago, and of course it wasn't long before we stalked her for a little TDF feature! We were delighted to find that Ms Moodie is not only one super clever crafty lass, but also a bit of a mini internet entrepreneur too! Allow me to explain. Melbourne-based Maryanne Moodie has a bit of a cult following on Facebook, where she is best known as House of Maryanne Vintage. She sources the cutest vintage clothes, shoots rather impressive styled 'lookbooks' of all her finds, and sells them all through Facebook! Purchases are usually made simply by commenting 'SOLD' on whatever takes your fancy – before someone else nabs it! How amazing! People go nuts for it. Jump on it, people – such a simple, cleverly executed idea. But today we'd like to share Maryanne's more recent creative endeavours, namely, these incredible woven tapestries she's been making, since the birth of her son Murray! 'When I was pregnant, I started to slow down. I thought a lot about appreciating the small things and figuring out how to make life simpler. I had a loom on the shelf, but it wasn't until Murray was born that I took it down and started creating. I suddenly had time to sit and relax when Murray was sleeping, and weaving seemed like the perfect thing to pick up and put down easily' says Maryanne of her new found obsession. An art teacher by trade, Maryanne taught herself the basics, with a few helpful pointers from talented friends. 'My favourite part is spanning the loom' explains Maryanne, 'a fresh start, where anything is possible. Sometimes I make a little plan but mostly I just have a vague idea and let the piece form organically as I go'. It takes about two days to finish a new piece. Maryanne's creations can be spotted in a few shops and creative spaces around town – 'I have so many clever friends, it was easy to create pieces for them – I made one inspired by Kuwaii's latest collection, Cecilia Fox's flower shop, Limedrop's colours, and for New Day Rising Cafe' she says. Maryanne's tapestries are currently sold on a commission basis, if you would like to get in touch, you can contact her directly via email here!
Maryanne's loom.  Photo - Brooke Holm.
Maryanne's workspace.  Photo - Brooke Holm.

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