Graphic Design

A Friend of Mine - Paper cut graphics

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
19th of September 2011
Graphic identity by Suzy Tuxen of A Friend of Mine, created for last year's VCE 'Season of Excellence' event.

Must admit I'm very slow off the mark with this one, but it's too beautiful not to share... wouldn't you agree?

This beautiful paper project is by Melbourne-based graphic designer Suzy Tuxen of A Friend of Mine, and was created for last year's VCE Season of Excellence event - a series of exhibitions staged by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), to showcase the best creative work produced by VCE students in various fields.

A Friend Of Mine is usually a one-woman show, but for this ambitious project Suzy joined forces with friend and long-time collaborator Ryan Ward (of United Measures!) to create this striking campaign identity and associated print matter.  A series of hand-cut, layered dioramas were crafted for each field of study, each one framed within the silhouette of an arm, reflecting the hard work and enthusiasm evident in the students' work.  Such a beautiful concept - not to mention razor-sharp execution!

That Ms. Tuxen really is making some amazing work!  More pics and other projects on her website.

Graphic identity by Suzy Tuxen of A Friend of Mine, created for last year's VCE 'Season of Excellence' event.
Handcutting the prototype!

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