
The Flower Drum LOVE BOMB!

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
9th of February 2011
The Flower Drum flower enthusiasts Holly Hipwell and Mylee Grace, showing off their fantabulous LOVE BOMBS!  All photos by Sarah Christensen (aka 'Saresy').
Gorgeous Love Bomb shots from The Flower Drum blog

OK GET READY.  These guys are TOTAL geniuses and will have their own TV show within about 3 weeks so I hope you're paying attention!

Holly Hipwell is a self confessed 24 hour (7/11) flower enthusiast.  With Mylee, her trusty partner in floral crime, Holly trawls the fresh flower markets in Sydney and makes amazing kooky flowery creations.  The Flowerdrum is their diary of 'wreckless & overly enthusiastic flower adventures'.  Holly says the growers out at the flower markets always ask 'what do you do with all of these flowers if you dont sell them?!'.  Her response - 'We create things just for the Flower Drum blog, and we do it for the love of flowers!'.

INTRIGUED?  You should be. OH YES.

Luckily for US, Holly and co have created a special project just for The Design Files - just in time for Valentines Day!  I PROMISE this year I will not blog any pink / red / heart shaped novelty presents... instead here is a gift money cannot buy - a LOVE BOMB lesson from the Flower Drum!

Over to you Holly! -

Valentines day is fast approaching!  Show your loved one how much you adore them with a LOVE BOMB! Do away with the dozen roses which will cost you approximately 50 billion dollars from the gorgeous florist in that ritzy suburb… And get ready to make some love bombs.

Here’s what you will need.

- A LOT of flowers. Depending on the size of your love, you may need up to 10 bunches!

- Carnations and roses work best. “Carnations?!” I hear you say… just trust me on this one.

- Floral foam - you can buy it in pre-made spheres which is really handy, usually available from florists and craft stores.

- Scissors (don’t act surprised)

- A large vessel of water to soak the floral foam.

- Love, usually available from within, but also available from your local hardware store.


Trimming flowers, soaking foam balls. All photos by Sarah Christensen

1) Trim your flowers down, so the stem is about 1-2 inches long. Be sure to cut the stem on an angle for extra stabbing power. If you are using roses, take away any petals that have turned into crusty demons or have slightly discoloured.

2) While you are doing this, get your handy assistant (if you have one) to throw a foam ball into water, let it sink to the bottom to ensure it soaks up as much water as possible!

Petal pushing!

3) Start petal pushing! Push the flower heads into the foam. We were feeling a bit fancy and decided to do designs on our flower bombs, you can see mine has a heart on it, however feel free to express your love in whatever design you want.

Halfway there...!

It can take a fair bit of time to make these, so don’t be making plans to meet your buddy at the movies in 5 minutes! You might just need their helping hand to finish filling in the underneath of the bomb. They can become very heavy, like 100 kilo’s heavy! You will see what I mean when you are making yours…

Getting a little help with the underside of the bomb

4) Keep plugging away until the flower bomb is looking completely gorgeous and lush, tie some string or ribbon through the top knot and you are ready to swing on over to your lovers land and gift them with your creation!

OMG. Who would NOT want to receive a Valentine from these two...!?

A HUGE THANKYOU to Holly and Mylee for brightening our week with their floral madness, and to their friend Sarah Christensen for the stunning pics.  If you would like to see more Flower Drum action on The Design Files please leave a comment and let us know...!  I would love to invite Holly back sometime if you're keen to see more flowery antics!  Meantime make sure you bookmark the fantabuous Flower Drum blog!

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