
Katie Marx

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
12th of October 2010

The gorgeous home of Melbourne florist Katie Marx.  Incredible artwork by Katie’s friend and neighbour Dane Lovett. WELL that a coincidence because I seriously LOVE-IT!

Stunning blossoms all over the house!  Paper ball sculpture by Kristina Sundstrom.

OH yes sorry another similar photo but  couldn’t choose :) Amazing artwork by Dane Lovett.

Gorgeous open plan kitchen.. screenprinted boxes by Bonnie + Neil, vertical garden planter by Joost.  And she has some of those fabulous LPG bowls by Industria!

Kitchen details

I know I seem to say this about every second house I ever feature but SERIOUSLY this has got to be one of the bestest Australian Homes ever, right?!  This is the STUNNING Northcote loft apartment and studio of Melbourne freelance florist Katie Marx – better known to her nearest and dearest as ‘Katie the Fabulous Florist!’

Katie is indeed fabulous!  She is truly just so utterly gorgeous, bubbly and fun and full of energy…. and as you can probably see she is also one very clever creative lass too!  Ms Marx is one of Melbourne’s most talented freelance florists, working on a great variety of projects including weddings, private parties and events including Spring Racing carnival and many others!  After just a few moments chatting to Katie it’s clear how much she just LOVES her work – being her own boss, rising at the crack of dawn to source the most gorgeous blooms at the market, or daytripping out of town to collect the perfect rustic branches for her clients!  When I visited, parked outside her studio was her transit van, piled high with an enormous bundle of prickly branches for an upcoming installation.  It was seriously HUGE!  “How on earth did you get all that up there all by yourself!?” I asked…. “oh I’m used to it, I’ve got it down pat now” Katie said casually.  Jeepers creepers.  Not just a pretty face, this one!

Katie’s warehouse-style apartment above her studio is full of so many beautiful pieces she has made or pinched from creative friends.  In these shots you’ll spot a chair by the very talented Greg Hatton (aka Twiggy!), incredible pieces designed by Katie’s friend and mentor, Joost Bakker,  as well as beautiful artworks and prints by friends including Dane Lovett and Bonnie + Neil.  You’ll also see gorgeous flowers absolutely everywhere of course!

Now Before I go I must share one more beautiful little anecdote which perfectly sums up Katie’s unique outlook on life and her passion for beautiful flowers!  As I dashed about taking these shots, I commented about the fallen blossom petals strewn across her apartment… “aren’t they beautiful!?” she chirped, without any irritation or compulsion to sweep them up!  Instead Katie shared a little story with me about laying awake the previous night with blossom petals falling across her bed from the huge branches in her bedroom… and explaining how magical it was to have them floating to the floor in her bedroom whilst she nodded off to sleep…. with not a moment’s frustration about having to clean them up in the morning!  Awwww… I love that!  Katie is one special girl.

The fabulous florist herself!  And yes, leopard skin jeans.


Reverse shot of loungeroom – wire lights by Joost… also love the kooky shelf/staircase to the mezzanine.

CUTE FLOWERS everywhere.

Looking back to the kitchen… Bonnie + Neil, screenprinted cubes and cushions, vertical garden planter by Joost, Twiggy chair by Greg Hatton.

Vertical garden planter by Joost

Industrial details

Hanging lights and recycled road sign chair by Joost, artwork by Dane Lovett.

Bedroom – featuring aforementioned enormous blossom branch above bed!

Bedroom details

Housemates – Katie and her super cute cat whose name I forget.

Love Katie’s vintage ‘Florist’ sign in the workshop downstairs

More gorgeous flowers in the workshop

Katie’s busy schedule!

Studio details (silver birch Christmas Tree by Greg Hatton)

Exterior of Katie’s warehouse!  She didn’t want me to show the rubbish… but I just had to include the bright yellow front door!

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