
Five Of The Best (Australian) Vintage Furniture Sellers On Instagram

Shopping vintage is not only good for the environment, but also a surefire way to set your home apart with one-of-a-kind finds, and timeless designs. But not everyone has ‘the finding eye’ to spot a mid-century gem at a car boot sale!

We chat with five experts who source the BEST retro and vintage objects and furniture, about how they find their treasures, and how Instagram has helped them connect to new audiences. If you never have luck in the op-shop, then let these professional fossickers be your pathway to vintage gold!

Lucy Feagins

No Replica Furniture do the hard vintage sourcing so you don’t have to! Photo – Jess Brohier.

Vintage drinks cart ready for a new home. Photo – Jess Brohier.

We have never seen a table like this before! Photo – Jess Brohier.

Glass meets marble in this retro find. Photo – Jess Brohier.

A vase with curves! Photo – Jess Brohier.

Lucy Feagins
30th of October 2019

No Replica Furniture

Emma Smith of No Replica Furniture is passionate about scouting for 20th century design items, and follows two clear criteria when deciding what makes the cut, ‘the simple answer is shape and colour.’ Emma scours the internet through a ‘regular mix of eBay, gumtree and marketplace’ and emphasises that persistence is key. She also highlights the value of building relationships with sellers and getting to know the style of personal connectors, as ‘it is an investment to spend time with collectors or other vintage resellers, as they don’t reveal all their secrets at once!’

Emma describes Instagram as a ‘place of creative expression, and an opportunity to build relationships with followers. No Replica work with Derek Swalwell and Jess Brohier to capture the beauty of their incredible finds, and help customers visualise the pieces in their own homes.

Pip Newell of Curated Spaces has the best eye for finding hidden treasures! Photo – courtesy Curated Spaces.

Sandy tone styling of second hand pieces. Photo – Jess Kneebone.

All vintage, all the time! Photo – courtesy Curated Spaces.

Keep track on Instagram for the latest items, but move fast as they sell quickly! Photo – courtesy Curated Spaces.

Curated Spaces

Pip Newell of Curated Spaces (CS) actually prompted us to create this post! We were so inspired by scrolling through her instagram feed, we wondered how she manages to find such gems. Pip reveals that she spends her days trawling Market Place on Facebook, Gumtree and eBay, as well as specialist buy/swap/sell groups, living by the motto ‘you never know where beautiful pieces will pop up, so its best to spread your search over several different platforms.’ Offline, Pip delves into op shops, vintage stores and auction houses, and advises ‘potential is key, don’t judge a book by its cover!’ Her best ever find was a marble Angelo Mangiarotti Eros Console, which she paid $200 for, and is worth upwards of $20,000. What a steal!

Over the past three years, CS has grown to be one of the biggest Instagram accounts selling secondhand furniture and home wares in Australia (we can see why!) and Pip works with twelve curators sourcing items from across the country. Her exacting eye for finding and styling, and responsive use of Instagram to interact with customers and share her outrageously great finds make CS an essential stop for vintage shopping/Instagram dreaming!

Mid-century and vintage items meets contemporary styling. Photo – courtesy CCSS.

CCSS furniture right at home in a contemporary apartment. Photo – Derek Swalwell.

Through the arch to vintage chairs! Photo – Ying Ang.

The iconic Togo couch in luxe velvet. Photo – courtesy CCSS.


Clare from CCSS explains that the team look EVERYWHERE when finding pieces, ‘online, clearance houses, actions, overseas’ with a constant eye out for items that make a statement. CCSS are probably best known for their iconic Togo couches, as well as other mid century and retro delights.

Clare explains that Instagram is a perfect platform for a visual business, and wryly notes ‘it also helps that everyone is on Instagram!” The open communication helps CCSS have a conversation with customers, and especially to keep an eye out while sources for pieces for key collectors before someone else snaps them up!

en gold combine their own marble designs with vintage finds. Photo – Cal Foster.

A neutral palette for these simple and stunning second hand shelves. Photo – Cal Foster.

en gold

en gold is a Melbourne based maker of marble furniture, that also sources vintage furniture and wares nationally. Their Instagram has such an active following that they drop new stock every Monday and Thursday at 8pm, to a frenzy of comments and sales!

en gold is predominantly focused on natural stone and marble items from around the work, but Steffanie Ball also seeks out beautiful furniture that aligns with this serene palette. Instagram was a key focus for en gold from the get go, and Steff explains ‘I didn’t have any expectation of where it would lead, however it just felt like the first step in building an audience and creating an online presence.’ Get ready for the 8pm drop!

A touch of 70s, a hint of 90s and a whole lot of vintage charm. Photo – courtesy Generally Worn.

Vintage isn’t just for adults! Photo – courtesy Generally Worn.

Generally Worn are HUGE on Instagram for their curation of vintage clothing, accessories and objects. Photo – courtesy Generally Worn.

A bag and hat for every occasion. Photo – courtesy Generally Worn.

Generally Worn

Generally Worn has a bit of a cult following, as a curator of vintage objects, accessories and clothing. Sarah Hood explains that she is constantly on the lookout at op shops, vintage wholesalers, markets, garage sales as ‘you have to have your finger on the pulse and know where to look.’

After years of sourcing, Sarah always makes a bee-line for neutral colours and natural fabrics, with a mix of 70s and 90s influences. Instagram has always been part of the Generally Worn DNA, as Sarah closed a previous jewellery account and leveraged her followers into this vintage account. She enthuses ‘it catapulted my vintage business into the Instagram world. Instant customers from Day 1, and I haven’t looked back.’

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