
Charting A Contemporary Artist’s Remarkable Oeuvre

As an adjective, ‘thought-provoking’ gets thrown around a lot. But, exploring the likes of the containment of air to synaesthesia, we can whole-heartedly say that Rosslynd Piggott’s art REALLY gets you thinking.

A survey of her multi-faceted contemporary art practice, spanning works created across almost four decades, is currently on show at Melbourne’s NGV.

Elle Murrell

Artist Rosslynd Piggott. Photo – Eugene Hyland.

‘I sense you but I cannot see you’ is on now at NGV. Photo – Tom Ross.

Works of different media and material sit side by side, because this is the very nature of my practice,’ explains the artist. Photo – Tom Ross.

‘Conversation’ 1995, National Gallery of Victoria. Photo – Tom Ross.

Detail of ‘Conversation’. Photo – Tom Ross.

‘Upside-down landscape 1989’, Monash University Collection, Melbourne. Photo – courtesy of NGV.

Exhibition installation view. Photo – Tom Ross.

The show features over 100 artworks. Photo – Tom Ross.

Inside Rosslynd’s studio. Photo – courtesy of NGV.

The 61-year-old artist is often lead by materiality, across various media, from paintings to sculpture to installation. Photo – courtesy of NGV.

Next, Rosslynd is looking forward to immersing herself in work in her studio. Photo – courtesy of NGV.

Elle Murrell
19th of April 2019

Twenty-one years after presenting ‘Suspended Breath’, Rosslynd Piggott is back at NGV with her exhibition ‘I sense you but I cannot see you’. And it, too, is one awe-inspiring show!

Acclaimed for creating sensory art that is slow and deliberate, elegant and intelligent, Rosslynd provides an opportunity for us to engage with the elusive and ethereal.

Themes the imaginative artist has returned to throughout her celebrated career come to the fore in this new showcase, including dream states and Surrealism, synesthesia and sensory perception, the beauty of the natural world and, intriguingly, the containment of air! What might that look like? Think scientific glass vials, containing air captured at 65 locations across Europe.

That’s just one example, there are more than 100 artworks, from paintings, drawings, sculptures and installations, presented, several of which have never been seen in Australia.

Don’t miss an exquisite group of engraved Murano glass sculptures that Rosslynd made in collaboration with artisans on Murano Island, Venice from 2013- 2017 ‘The episodes in Venice were very special and rather dreamlike,’ recalls Rosslynd, who has the great privilege of holding a solo show at the Museo del Vetro and hopes this work will be ongoing.
Also, look out for her re-created installations ‘Double breath (contained) of the sitter’, 1993–94, which features items from the NGV’s Collection, such as nineteenth-century furniture, shoes and garments.

‘My art practice is aligned to the experiences in my life – so there are some constant ideas that thread their way through time and shift in shape and material,’ summarises Rosslynd. The 61-year-old will next be immersing herself in her studio for painting and planning her next trip to Venice. ‘The path of an artist is a long one,’ she advises. ‘Go slow.’

‘I sense you but I cannot see you’ by Rosslynd Piggott
April 12th to August 18th
Level 3 NGV Australia, Federation Square
Swanston Street and Flinders Street, Melbourne

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