TDF Open House 2017

Oh Hey Grace

Grace Brown of emerging local ceramics label Oh Hey Grace! caught our eye at a group exhibition at Lamington Drive earlier this year, and after seeing more of her distinctive wares, we were instantly hooked!

We recently stopped by her home studio to see her latest work, inspired by Bauhaus and Memphis design movements, which she has created for TDF Open House (on now until Sunday!)

Elle Murrell

Grace Brown of emerging local ceramics label Oh Hey Grace!. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.

Ceramics on display in her studio. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.

Grace is inspired by Bauhaus and Memphis design movements. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.

She has been busy creating pieces for TDF Open House, which is on now! Photo – Amelia Stanwix.

Grace uses mid-fire white raku clay, and combines wheel throwing, deconstructing and hand building techniques. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.

Her forms are often derived from whimsical architectural elements. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.

Stop by TDF Open House (on today, until Sunday November 26th, 10am-5pm daily.) to peruse Oh Hey Grace! wares. Photo – Amelia Stanwix.

Elle Murrell
23rd of November 2017

As ceramicist Grace Brown was developing her Oh Hey Grace!. range for TDF Open House, she became enthralled by architect Ricardo Bofill’s dreamy ‘La Muralla Roja’ housing project – Google away, you won’t be impervious either! ‘The labyrinth-like buildings include layers of geometric stairwells, sharp lines, vivid colours and winding thoroughfares and archways – all of which have inspired my work and design style,’ she muses.

Fuelled by this unforgettable inspiration, the Northcote-based creative has used mid-fire white raku clay, and combined wheel throwing, deconstructing and hand building techniques to fashion a suite of functional, yet distinctively sculptural wares. ‘They are energetic and lively, paying homage to the Bauhaus and Memphis design movements through contrasting curves and often playful forms, with rigid sharp lines and an emphasis on architectural influence,’ tells Grace.

Though they bear a semblance to the vessels of the ceramicist’s break-out group exhibition at Jacky Winter Group’s Lamington Drive earlier in the year, the 28-year-old feels her output is starting to become more modular. ‘My newest range is clean, crisp and heavily focused on sculptural form, rather than the pattern and print of my past work,’ she explains, crediting the crisp natural white glaze as well as the natural texture of the clay for allowing her ‘forms to speak for themselves’.

TDF Open House isn’t quite as expansive as Bofill’s iconic dwelling (this year!), but Grace is thrilled to be in the line-up alongside so many other talented makers and creatives. ‘I’m looking forward to seeing the range and all the silhouettes together within the space,’ says Grace. ‘It’s just so valuable to be able to share my work alongside a range of amazing artists and designers who I respect and admire.’

Stop by TDF Open House (on today, until Sunday November 26th, 10am-5pm daily.) to peruse Oh Hey Grace! wares.