
Caroline Walls

Today we introduce the work of Melbourne based visual artist Caroline Walls.

After spending years living abroad working in creative agencies in London and New York, Caroline eventually moved back to Melbourne to focus on her art practice. We’re loving her recent collection of graphic silk screen prints based on the human form.


Lisa Marie Corso

‘The Woman III’ (Palette 4) by Caroline Walls.

‘The Woman II’ (Palette 4) by Caroline Walls.

‘The Woman I’ (Palette 2) by Caroline Walls.

‘The Woman II’ (Palette 3) by Caroline Walls.

‘The Woman II’ (Palette 2) by Caroline Walls.

‘The Woman IV’ (Palette 1) by Caroline Walls.

‘The Woman I’ (Palette 4) by Caroline Walls.

‘The Woman II’ (Palette 2) by Caroline Walls.

Lisa Marie Corso
25th of January 2016

Caroline Walls hopped on a plane as soon as she graduated from her communication design degree. She spent her first few years out of uni working at top agencies in London, before moving to New York, where she worked at Lloyd&Co. In between the long hours, client briefs, deadlines and daily office stresses, Caroline sought a creative endeavour of her own. ‘The long work hours at the agency I worked at really inspired me to find a little more creative autonomy for myself,’ she explains.

Acting on impulse originally, Caroline enrolled into a painting class at the School of Visual Arts in NYC, and fondly remembers walking to class every Saturday. ‘I loved it, I would even walk through the snow, and haven’t wanted to stop painting since!’ she says.

Three years ago, Caroline eventually moved back to Melbourne, and began to work as a creative director part-time, while establishing her art practice on the side. Caroline’s work incorporates painting, sculpture, and more recently, a popular series of silk screen prints inspired by the human form. ‘These artworks explore the body and the reduction of its form as a way of heightening its expressive power’ explains Caroline.

Last year, Caroline staged her first solo show at Gallerysmith Project Space in North Melbourne, which featured a combination of paintings, screen prints and soft sculptures. This year, she is already planning her second show, and delving further into the print-making process. ‘I only recently got a taste for monotype and the silk-screen process, and I’m really loving their possibilities’ she says.

Caroline’s works is available from her website here and from Modern Times in Melbourne.

‘The Woman III’ (Palette 1) by Caroline Walls.

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