
Billie Justice Thomson · The Order of Things

You may recall earlier this year we introduced talented young Melbourne artist and sign painter Billie Justice Thomson, who we discovered in the most unlikely of places – at Hellenic Republic, during our staff Christmas lunch last year (true story) !

We’ve been thrilled to see Billie’s profile steadily on the rise since we first discovered her work.  Her first solo exhibition, entitled ‘The Order of Things’, opens  this week at Modern Times in Fitzroy!


Lucy Feagins

New works from The Order of Things exhibition by Billie Justice Thomson opening at Modern Times this week.

New works from The Order of Things exhibition by Billie Justice Thomson opening at Modern Times this week.

Billie Justice Thomson in the studio with some of the works she will be exhibiting in her exhibition opening at Modern Times this week.

New works from The Order of Things by Billie Justice Thomson opening at Modern Times this week.

Lucy Feagins
21st of September 2015

Billie Justice Thomson has had a super busy year since we first discovered her work. She’s been squeezing in more window painting gigs than ever, and doing illustration work for various clients. She’s also been working towards her fourth solo exhibition – a show at Melbourne’s Modern Times, entitled ‘The Order of Things’ which opens this week!

‘I have a constantly evolving list in my head of things I would like to paint’ confesses Billie when asked what has inspired this show. ‘I was quite systematic and organised for this show, which is a first for me’ she admits. ‘I was a bit nervous about the big ones, so I attacked them first with a kind of manic excitement!’.

Originally studying Visual Art at the South Australian School of Art before moving to Melbourne four years ago, Billie accidentally stumbled across reverse glass painting. She now paints on both perspex and glass, building each image up in layers. Typically, each painting starts with a black outline – once this is drawn, Billie begins building up each image in layers from behind the glass – a process that can take anywhere from two hours to two days depending on the size and complexity of the work. Because she paints in reverse, she has to be quite deliberate and plan each layer carefully. ’In some instances it takes 4 coats to get the opacity I am after, so I spent a lot of time strategically placing heaters in my freezing cold studio!’ she says.

‘I get a huge sense of satisfaction from the intensity that comes from reverse glass painting,’ Billie admits. ‘I think this pushes me want to create work that is kind of bold, simplistic and uncomplicated.’

The Order of Things by Billie Justice Thomson
25th September until 8th October 2015
Modern Times
311 Smith Street
Fitzroy, Victoria

Opening night is this Thursday 24 September from 6.00pm until 8.00pm at 466 Smith Street, Collingwood.

Billie with one her larger works in the studio.

Recent Illustration