
Esther Stewart · Endless, That's The Problem

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
30th of June 2014
EstherStewart2014-thesentimentisclear 'The sentiment is clear', 2014, acrylic on board, 90 x 60cm by Esther Stewart for her upcoming show at Utopian Slumps.
EstherStewart2014-NaturalHistory'Natural History, 2014, enamel on board, 120 x 90cm by Esther Stewart for her upcoming show at Utopian Slumps.
The Fire Within', 2014, acrylic on board, 90 x 60cm by Esther Stewart for her upcoming show at Utopian Slumps.
We first discovered the work of young Melbourne artist Esther Stewart back in 2012, and have kept a close eye on her prolific practice since then. We love Esther's incredible confidence with abstract geometric forms, and her brave, unexpected use of colour.  We reckon she gets better and better with every show, and she's still only 26 (as of yesterday!!) so we're firmly convinced she has even greater achievements ahead of her! It's been a big year for Esther. 'The last year for me has been really busy' she says. 'I like it that way so I’m not complaining. However its kind of a blur as I haven’t had a moment to reflect just yet!'.  Esther has indeed been pretty under the pump in recent months - since her last solo show in May 2013, Esther has shown work at Craft Victoria, West Space, Roslyn Oxley in Sydney and Victor Lope in Spain.  She has also spent the better part of the past 3 months building a new studio in her home town of Daylesford! These days Esther is represented by respected local gallery Utopian Slumps, where her latest exhibition will open this Saturday July 5th.  Entitled 'Endless, That's The Problem', The show brings together 15 new abstract paintings, which for the first time incorporate new painting techniques. Esther has been experimenting with hand painted marble effects for this body of work, which takes her distinctive plains of solid colour into bold new territory. 'This body of work explores the application of decorative finishes in the form of abstract paintings and sculpture' Esther explains.  'These works explore my interest in DIY, interior decorating technics, and architectural forms such as fire places and roof lines and traditional sculpture.  I like the way that they suggest domestic finishes and spaces while still remaining abstract and non representational'. Endless, That's The Problem by Esther Stewart Open from 5 to 26 July 2014 Utopian Slumps Ground Floor, 33 Guildford Lane Melbourne, VIC Exhibition opening this Saturday 5th July, from 4.00 to 6.00pm. EstherStewart2014-gentlemenslounge
'Gentlemen's Lounge', 2014, acrylic on board, 90 x 60cm by Esther Stewart for her upcoming show at Utopian Slumps.
'Hearth', 2014, acrylic on board, 90 x 60cm by Esther Stewart for her upcoming show at Utopian Slumps.

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