
Ashley Le Quere

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
2nd of April 2014
'Lorikeet' feather surface design by Ashley le Quere.
'Lorikeet' feather surface design by Ashley le Quere.
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'Summer Love' surface design by Ashley le Quere.
'Into the Wild' surface design by Ashley le Quere.
'Into the Wild' wallpaper design in situ by Ashley le Quere.
Ashley Le Quere is a UK born, Melbourne based illustrator and surface pattern designer. Originally, she's from Jersey in the Channel Islands - a small island near France but is part of the UK - 'not many people have heard of it!' she says. Ashley originally studied Illustration in Bristol (UK), but soon became interested in surface design and making patterns. This passion was cemented when she undertook an internship with Ella Doran Design in 2012, one of the UK’s leading surface designers. 'I completely fell in love with the design process and the variety of products that Ella was designing for, it really inspired me!' Ashley says.  'Surface Design for me is something that has no limits - it can be anything from print design for textiles, to laminate flooring to skate boards.  It is forever growing and expanding'. After that internship in early 2012, Ashley took some time off to travel across India and Asia, and decided to end her six months travelling in Australia. 'I was only expecting to be here for a few months, but fell in love with Melbourne and decided to stay!' she says. She's been here since November 2012, and has now set herself up a sweet studio space in the Magic Johnston studios on Johnston st, Collingwood.
Ashley's influences are varied and eclectic - she counts Scandinavian design as a major source of inspiration, but says Indian artwork and pattern, 'boho' style prints and even a '1950’s kitchen' aesthetic have all influenced her work at one point or another. 'There is so much that inspires me - Australian fauna and flora has also been a huge inspiration recently.  You have so many exotic plants and beautiful birds!'. Ashley is available for freelance commissions, and is always up for new collaborations!  She has also just recently launched a Society6 shop, where you can buy prints of her work. Ashley-Fish
'Into the Wild' fish surface design by Ashley le Quere.
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'Summer Love' surface design by Ashley le Quere.
'Kitchen Utensils' surface design by Ashley le Quere.

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