
Tai Snaith · Sweet Obsolete

Lucy Feagins
Lucy Feagins
17th of March 2013
Interior, 2013 by Tai Snaith.  Gouache and watercolour on paper, 105cm x 75cm.
Fist Full of Wishes, 2013.  by Tai Snaith for her show 'Sweet Obsolete' at Helen Gory Galerie.  Gouache and watercolour on paper, 105cm x 75cm.
Obsolete, 2013.  by Tai Snaith.  Gouache and watercolour on paper, 105cm x 75cm.
You might recall spotting the work of Melbourne artist Tai Snaith here recently, in the super cool Fitzroy home of gallerist Melissa Loughlan and social enterprising entrepreneur Simon Griffiths.  Tai is a well known part of Melbourne's artistic community - having graduated with honours from the VCA in 2003, she's an artist first and foremost, but she's also a bit of a multi-disciplinary dynamo, and has also made a name for herself as a curator, producer and writer, contributing to publications including Art & Australia, Architecture Australia, Artichoke and Yen Magazines.  She is also a visual arts reviewer on Triple R radio! Tai has a brand new show at Helen Gory Galerie which just opened last week and runs until April 13th.  Entitled Sweet Obsolete, the show brings together works on paper and small sculptures which document obsolete everyday objects. 'I started drawing these still-lives to try to capture the sadness and beauty in some of these forgotten objects, amid our time of shiny new iPhones and giddy design trends' explains Tai, who was also inspired by a great youtube video called The Story of Stuff, by American activist and educator Annie Leonard, which deals with the ideas behind planned and perceived obsolescence in a way that kids can understand. Tai says she's often depressed by the amount of unnecessary upgrading and thoughtless consumption that is part of modern society, and this exhibition serves as a bit of an exploration of this issue.  However, there's also a playfulness to Tai's work that she hopes people can also find some reverie in!  'I love old toys that are gathering dust in the corner but still defy the trash - they are my symbols of love and longevity' she says. Sweet Obsolete by Tai Snaith until April 13th Helen Gory Galerie 25 St Edmonds Road Prahran, VIC 3181 Ph. 03 9525 2808 Gallery open Wednesday - Saturday, 11.00am - 5.00pm or by appointment.
Perceived Obsolescence (Self Portrait), 2013.  by Tai Snaith.  Gouache and watercolour on paper, 105cm x 75cm.
The practice of everyday life, 2013.  by Tai Snaith.  Gouache and watercolour on paper, 105cm x 75cm.

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