Behind the Scenes with Jardan - Designing and Deciding

Jenny Butler
Jenny Butler
28th of November 2011

Today we get an insight into the design process at Jardan, from the initial sketches on scrap bits of paper to experimenting with different timber finishes. We see these products develop further throughout the week- be sure to check in tomorrow to see what happens next! -Jenny x

Fleshing out the design with the help of computer-aided drawings for prototyping purposes

At Jardan, we like to keep it fresh so we try to maintain the momentum of our design development throughout the year. Our team of creative minds are constantly churning out new ideas and working with very experienced and knowledgeable R&D team to prototype our new range. For the new outdoor range we started from the ground up and investigated various materials and finishes, some which we’ve never used before. At this point we start the transformation from the intangible to the tangible.

Rough sketches by one of Jardan’s design crew, Tom Shaw.

Our spunky design team in action

Hey, nice legs!

Experimenting with our finishes.

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